
Power of Goodness in Ukraine

Peacebuilding UK, together with Odessa Mediation Group and our trainers/ partners from Chechnya, brought together our Power of Goodness partners from all over Ukraine for the first time 20-25 July, near Kiev. Following two days of getting to know each other, building trust and agreeing on a collection of old and new stories from Ukraine and […]


Power of Goodness in the North Caucasus – Update

Since summer 2016 the Power of Goodness project has expanded into Ingushetia and Dagestan. In August and September, trainings for trainers from these republics were conducted by trainers from the Chechen project in Grozny. From September, the Ingush and Dagestani trainers began conducting seminars in schools for teachers in their republics, supported by their Chechen […]


Overcoming trauma of War in Post-conflict Societies through Gender Lenses

The summer school “Overcoming trauma of War in Post-conflict Societies through Gender Lenses” 2016 is a joint project of Universiteti Europian i Tiranës, Ivanovo Center for Gender Studies, Peacebuilding UK and Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences. 15 Russian and European participants are attending lectures by well-known scholars of gender studies in Albania 11-26 July, including five […]


Фестиваль Документального Кино о Правах Человека «Бир Дуино» («Один мир») 2015 в Кыргызстане

Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Bir Duino (One World) 10th – 14th December 2015 in Bishkek (, to which Peacebuilding UK will again be bringing a delegation of around a dozen human rights activists, journalists and film makers from the North Caucasus, Belarus and Yemen. Peacebuilding UK is inviting applicants to be part of the […]


Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Kyrgyzstan 2015 – OUTREACH FOR YEMEN

Peacebuilding UK invites an activist, journalist or film-maker from the Republic of Yemen to the 2015 Bir Duino (“One World”) Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Kyrgyzstan For the 9th year, the Bir Duino (“One World”, in Kyrgyz), Human Rights Documentary Film Festival will take place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from December 8 to18, 2015, with […]


Visiting Activist Programme – spend ten weeks working with grass-roots NGOs in the North Caucasus

Visiting Activist Programme – spend ten weeks working with grass-roots NGOs in the North Caucasus Peacebuilding UK, which helps grass-roots NGOs build their organizational capacity and conduct child-focused programming in Russia’s North Caucasus region and in Ukraine, is proud to announce our first-ever Visiting Activist Programme We invite activists, non-profit professionals from around the […]


Power of Goodness: Stories of Reconciliation and Nonviolence

Peacebuilding UK together with partner organisations in Chechnya and Ukraine (Odessa) is committed to peaceful conflict transformation. Two Chechen wars (1994-1996 and 1999-2009) and ongoing security threats affect the civilian population in Chechnya at a time when civil society organisations are under great pressure and scrutiny from local authorities. The war in Ukraine with its […]


Training with teachers at Secondary School “M.Dadaev” in the Urus Martan region

Aishat Zubairaeva conducted a second ‘Power of Goodness’ training with teachers at Secondary School “M.Dadaev” in the Urus Martan region in May. The work of this session was based on the story “Boot Under the Bed”. All the teachers participated actively in the training. 30 copies of the book “Power of Goodness: Stories of Nonviolence […]


Conflict Transformation Project in Chechnya and Plans for Ukraine

The second edition of this tri-lingual book in Chechen, Russian and English was published last year. 6000 copies were printed by publishers in Chechnya, donors included the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and Friends’ International Library. The book can be viewed online on the new web portal: In 2015 Peacebuilding UK plans to […]


Delegation of North Caucasus Human Rights Activists attend Human Rights Film Festival in Bishkek

Peacebuilding UK arranged for nine North Caucasus human rights defenders, journalists and film-makers to attend the Bir Duino film festival in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 5th to 15th October. The participants were inspired and empowered to experience human rights as an exciting and appealing community celebration in their friendly rapport with the vibrant, effective and confident Kyrgyz civil society. […]