
Conflict Transformation Project in Chechnya and Plans for Ukraine

photo 10photo 5The second edition of this tri-lingual book in Chechen, Russian and English was published last year. 6000 copies were printed by publishers in Chechnya, donors included the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and Friends’ International Library. The book can be viewed online on the new web portal:

In 2015 Peacebuilding UK plans to build on the work of a pilot peace education/ conflict transformation project conducted in Chechnya in 2014 that benefited 6000 school children. A new pilot project in the Ukraine will provide training and support to enable peace and tolerance education work to be initiated and take root in schools and communities throughout the country.The project will use the internet based platform as a catalyst for conflict transformation activities in Chechnya and Ukraine – regions beset by different stages of violence and armed conflict. 120 teachers in 20 schools in Chechnya and around 90 teachers and trainers in Ukraine will receive training, support and resources for peace education work with thousands of pupils in schools. A peace curriculum and teacher’s training manual developed by our ‘Little Star’ psychologists over several years will be provided, based on the real-life stories of Power of Goodness with examples of nonviolence and reconciliation. The project aims to help prevent new violence by training and supporting teachers in schools to cultivate peaceful values of tolerance, nonviolence, reconciliation and justice among young people. Peacebuilding UK and partner Friends’ Peace Teams in the US also plan to conduct such work in other countries and are currently translating the stories into Indonesian and Nepalese, as well as Ukrainian.