Chris passed away in his sleep on 12th March 2023 at the age of 93. Chris played a pivotal role in Peacebuilding UK, guiding the organisation through a period of change as we evolved from a charitable company to the charity we are today. He held a deep compassion for the experiences of people across […]
Evaluation Consultant
Peacebuilding UK and Stichting Justice Initiative are looking to hire an evaluation consultant (alternatively, a small team of consultants making a joint application) to evaluate two parallel, ongoing projects supporting around 30 Russian civil society organizations working on human rights issues. The evaluation will take place long-term over a period of up to 12-14 months, […]
Британская благотворительная организация Peacebuilding UK ищет опытного бухгалтера в России для проведения консультативной работы в течение 20 месяцев. В обязонности бухгалтера- финансового координатора входит поддержка 20-25 малых и средних некоммерческих организаций, которые будут получать финансовую поддержку от Peacebuilding UK, в плане соответствия требованиям финансового управления и бухгалтерского учета, установленным Peacebuilding UK, а также установленным Российским […]
Learning Tools for Peace in Chechnya
By Chris Hunter Since lockdown began in Chechnya in late March, Chechen co-facilitators Rustam, Venera and Chris from the UK have held regular Creating Cultures of Peace workshops on Zoom for 12 students of Grozny university students. The students had initially attended four 2-hour trainings with Rustam and Venera at the university before lockdown. Lockdown […]
Power of Goodness Trainings in Chechnya
In August and early September, Rustam conducted four ‘Power of Goodness’ trainings with teachers at Middle School No.9 in Grozny. During the first class, Rustam presented the ‘Power of Goodness’ project, including its history and activities in different parts of the world. At each training we read and analyzed a story, drawing on the teachers’ […]
I’m grateful to have learned and shared new skills with those attending the 6th International Peace Training ’Creating Cultures of Peace’ at Peace Place in Pati organized by Friends Peace Teams, deepening our knowledge and experience of how to build peace within ourselves, with the earth and between people. Attending the workshop for the second […]
Extremism Prevention Dialogue in Chechnya
The Power of Goodness project run by Peacebuilding UK and local partner CPCD in Chechnya continues to organize round tables in remote areas of the Chechen Republic. In January our colleague and psychologist Birlant Mudaeva organized a round table on the theme “Extremism – its Sources and Consequences” at High School № 1 in the […]
Power of Goodness in Ukraine update
2-4 November, Elena Melnik, Natalya Gavronskaya, Tatyana Yakovleva and Natalya Zabrotskaya, conducted a three-day Power of Goodness introductory seminar in Kiev. They thank the participants for their engagement, group dynamics, cooperation and sincere interest in the project. To be continued with a second module in Kiev 23-25 November. In November and December, Peacebuilding UK and […]
Peacebuilding UK and partners Odessa Mediation Group and CPCD (Chechnya) held the first international training conference “Peacebuilding and Psychosocial Assistance through the Power of Goodness project in Ukraine” from 29 June to 1 July. Our Power of Goodness partner Friends Peace Teams was represented at the conference by Nadine Hoover. We explored the ‘building blocks’ […]
More on the POG conference in Odessa…
As described above, Peacebuilding UK and partners conducted a 3-day Power of Goodness conference in Odessa 29 June – 1 July, open to all Ukrainian Power of Goodness practitioners who have attended at least 9 days of training in 2015-17. The conference was primarily a training and coordination event made up of a series of […]