
Daimohk in the press

To whet your appetite for Daimohk’s forthcoming tour (see dates, venues, prices and booking information here) we thought we would put up some links to Daimohk elsewhere on the web. First of all is Jos De Putter’s 2002 film ‘Dans Grozny Dans’.  In Chechen with French subtitles. ‘Jos De Putter’s powerful documentary “Dans Grozny Dans”, […]


Daimohk dates

We’re thrilled to be able to announce the venues and dates for this year’s Daimohk Tour.  If you have not had the joy of seeing the Chechen Children’s Dance Ensemble before then please make an effort to come and see them – not only is the story and the spirit of these young dancers extraordinary, […]


A message from the Chair

Hello, and welcome back to the website if you’ve not been here for a while.  I’ve had a tinker with the website and hopefully it should now be easier to access and receive regular news reports of what we are doing – particularly if you use RSS feeds (if not then find out more on […]

Little Star

Little Star Psychologists to Visit the UK in 2009

Most of the twelve Little Star psychologists will visit the UK in 2009. Working every day with traumatized people causes a strain for those conducting this work, and Peacebuilding UK therefore arranges a break or retreat for the team of psychologists and counsellors each year for rest and recuperation. Previous retreats have been conducted in the […]

Little Star

Supporting Psychosocial work in Gaza

Peacebuilding UK has been invited by an NGO in Gaza to support their work through staff training in the fields of child psychological trauma counselling and rehabilitation. This co-operation will focus on psychosocial counselling of children in the field and the training of new staff/ mental health professionals in Gaza. An initial one-week seminar is […]


Rebuilding Sharoi School

Introduction The children of the village of Sharoi have been without a school from 1999 to 2008, after the original school building was largely destroyed during bombardments in the second Chechen war from 1999-2000. Sharoi is deep in the mountains in the South of Chechnya, and access to other villages from it is limited. The […]


School re-building project

Thank you to everyone who has donated to this appeal. We have so far managed to raise 50% of the total £10,000 of the appeal, which is required to complete the rebuilding of four schools in Chechnya. A further £5,000 needs to be raised by the end of June as Peacebuilding UK’s contribution. The schools […]