
Coaching Daimohk?

Well, the months of training certainly paid off last night with an absolutely staggering performance at the finale of the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, performed to a huge audience of 3,500 people!  If you were there then please leave your comments on the performance, or let us know if you have any photos or video you would like to share with us!

I briefly met with Daimohk earlier on their way down to London where I will meet them in a few days.  It’s just wonderful to see children who I haven’t seen since 2006 growing into young men and women and to receive some big Chechen hugs from the group!  Their positive energy is completely infectious, so it’s such a joy to have a hand in bringing them over here to share their talents with new audiences.

In a little bit of bad news their trusty coach, which has carried them all the way from Grozny, broke down just half a mile from the Eisteddfod.  The problems have now been fixed, but this additional cost to the tour now makes it unlikely that Daimohk will be able to raise the funds they had hoped for on this tour.  So, if you are at all able, please consider making a donation to help cover the costs of the tour and their work back home.  You can go to our Donations Page to find out how to donate.

I’m going to be filming some of the performances in London to ensure that we can introduce more and more people to the wonderful talent coming out of Chechnya.  However, in the meantime here is a YouTube clip from their 2006 UK Tour of one of my favourite dances – the Dagestan Dance.  Many thanks to Faye for this footage.  Enjoy!