
Power of Goodness: Stories of Nonviolence and Reconciliation

We are ready to go! The entire manuscript for the second edition of this tri-lingual book in Chechen, Russian and English is nearing completion and is in the hands of our Chechen publisher, Groznenskii Rabochii. The second edition is to be printed in September 2012. The Little Star psychologists will then begin a series of training seminars for teachers, initially in 12 schools in Chechnya, on using the Power of Goodness as a peace education tool and to raise awareness about issues explored in the stories such as nonviolence, forgiveness, justice, peace, tolerance and reconciliation.

The Power of Goodness project was awarded $80,000 from the United States Institute of Peace in 2011 – from 518 applications from around the world only 25 awards were made.

The Little Star psychologists have now completed work on creating a teacher’s training manual that will be used with the book Power of Goodness: Stories of Nonviolence and Reconciliation. 200 copies of the manual will be printed in Russian, and an English translation will also be completed shortly.